Coaching |
Sometimes it appears that security employees are insufficiently qualified to perform their task to the full satisfaction. Reasons may be diverse: From insufficiently monitoring social or security developments untill having company blindness, causing risks to be inadequately determined. In these cases it is advisable to hire a coach for these security employees during a certain period. During coaching assignments differences in apprehensions are discussed, teaching & learning ‘on the job’ is performed, educational plans are drawn up, sparring with a ‘veteran’ is possible and in all cases a fresh view on the tasks is given. During coaching assignments Raaijmakers Risk Management respects the values of your security employees and the only goal is upgrading their qualifications and competences. At the end of a coaching assignment a follow-up appointment is made to be able to determine if the situation still meets the expectations after a certain period. To avoid misunderstandings: Raaijmakers Risk Management is not an education institute. A coaching assignment may lead to an education of your employee at a certified institute to improve his craftsmanship . |